Hooray for me
Why? Because I can.
I have started my new job. I'll be happier when pay hits my account, but that's not too far away. This computer doesn't have the spell check on for words in the internet, so if I mis-sepll words, don't hate me.
I had some time off too. It was fucken lovely. I did fuck all. I lie, I went to Flinders Island to help my sister. I'm not used to living without luxuries. You may say I'm weak, but I like showering and electricity. It was OK. I've meant to post some photos, but as I've said many times here, I am lazy. Note the number of posts lately for further proof of this.
It was good to leave the old place. They were hopeless. Must be a shock having three people resign in a week. But if you're head is up your fucken arse, you probably wouldn't notice. Numpties. What a strange place. When I am a little older I'll write about it. Some highlights will be:
- baseless, and unproven, allegation against me made by a work matewho was only out to better herself and shaft everyone else at all time (she told me this)
- never getting clarification of work and roles, despite asking for this numerous times
- never getting work back after preseting it for review (longest wait was 5 months)
- only getting praised for good work in performance reviews i.e. once a year (this is what I was told)
- laughing at a funny document and then having my professional judgement questioned becasue I thought it was light hearted (I didn't agree with this)
- having to grog on with the boss and their amazingly stupid and boring ex-workmates while interstate - yawn-a-rama
- the need to tell everyone in the office of your everyday movements (not bowel)
- the absolute inability of some people there to take a joke and spend even 5 minutes laughing at themselves
Ah, fuck them all, I say. Anyways, we have all left now who resigned in the same week. We have had a number of drinks, and I am meeting up with one of them tonight to continue the fun.
Megan, are you happy now?