Monday, February 27, 2006

Food glorious Food

When I was younger, I was in Oliver! That was a good few years off now.

Last weekend, or the weekend previously, my partner was away doing something or other. I was left to my own devices. Which usually means that I will head to the Auburn Bowls Club for a few beers on a Friday night, and some more when I finish behind the bar on a Saturday. I was discussing with a member the fact that I was watching MusicMax and the song by Aerosmith for the film Armageddon was on. I knew I had this film, so with the better half off somewhere, it was time for some Willis-time.

By the time I left the club, I was hungry. With her gone, and leaving little in the house, I decided to make a meal. Here on the right is some bacon frying off in the pan, with the film ready to go. I think the disk is not actually in the container, but already in the player.

I like Armageddon. It is cheesy, and sometimes you need cheese. I also like Bruce Willis. I would like to be Harry Stamper, as he seems like a decent person. I also like the rag tag team of adventurers that he ropes into the challenge of saving the earth. I think everyone should have a chance to save the earth. But not have the chance to fuck that chance up, as that would be bad for man kind. Harry Stamper saves the earth through a selfless act on his behalf. I know it upset Grace, but that's how it goes, and anyway she is rooting Ben Afflect (is that his name?). He was so-so in this film and also in the film Pearl Harbour (note the spelling) - SNORE!

So I made the meal. Here it is below. It wasn't bad. That is some kind of cheese (not the Bruce Willis kind) on top. It almost looks like a smiling face. I had an english Muffin with it. I will only eat the muffin brand that has the muffin with the bear skin hat muffin-man on the packet. If the other brand comes home, it will not pass my lips. It makes me feel special and that's the main things.

The meal was nice. It hit the spot and allowed me to be fed and watch the film also. I enjoyed it. By the looks of the photo, I was a bit shakey at this time too. Must have been the excitement of seeing Harry Stamper save the world.

The next day, I went to the gym, and there is a fish wholesaler up there, who is always really busy. He has about 12 vans which sell fish all across Melbourne, so I thought after gym I woudl stop and get some fish. I got a fillet of Trevally and 12 oysters. I asked him how much 6 were and he said $4, so I asked about 12, and he said $8, so I took 12. The whole meal cost me $12. Cheeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppp.

First came the oysters. Below are the cooked and uncooked models. Looks like I had not completed making them in the first shot. Anyway, I had six with bacon and worchester sauce and the other six with a honey-soy-chilli-honey kind of dressing they were all right. I had no way of heating them up, except in the oven, so this was the go. As you can see I used a muffin tray. It was going to be difficult to keep them upright, so the goodies didn't drip out, so I scrunched up some al. foil and used that. The juices stayed where they were, and I made light work of them. I probably should have made them slighty hotter than I did, as they were a bit light on the tongue. Next time.

My personal trainer, knew that my partner was away, so he organised me to get the whole series of Firefly on DVD. It was great. It was a pity that this series was cancelled. I am going to get 'Serenity' on DVD when my pay comes in next week.

While watching Firefly, I was also cooking up my main meal. It was good too. I put the fish into an egg wash first, then gently floured it and then into the pan. The batter when crispy and good. I had some chips with it, and then a bottle of Sav Blanc, which I got from the club for $10.

A bargain meal. I don't think the N70 takes decent shots at night, after about 6 pots of beer. They seem to be off centre. Oh well. Some of them aren't too clear either.

When she if off again, I might try some more fish. Can't grill anything as the smoke alarms are a little too sensitive in our pad.

Best go and get back into it. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! You'll be glad to see that I have corrected the spelling of the word 'excite' now. You probably didn't even know that it was wrong in the first place.

Friday, February 10, 2006


I hate Highpoint (also known as Lowpoint and Knifepoint).

I had to go there yesterday to sort out my phone. There’s been a stuff up, so I have to get my number ported out, and I needed to getrhtedjsdgkijhfdsdfgkrgkjhierjghujqiwk[odksvnxcmn sdvnskldnjkdj43ui2564306i34[optkfewsldkvm;l klgfjh 934.

Sorry. I was that bored, I just slammed my head into the keyboard.

Anyway. Highpoint Shopping Centre. For those that have never been in to the delights, here’s some dot points of why I hate it.

Shop assistants. Generally suffering from a disease well known to the western suburbs as ‘Fuckwitism’. The fuck wit who was meant to be serving me in the Optus shop was constantly looking at the video screen of crap rock and was singing along with Eminen. They are also young. A place full of young fuck wits. Excellent.

Shops. Shops are full of ‘street wear’ and types of ‘hip hop’ clothing. Neither is suitable to me. There is no tie shop in the whole of Highpoint. Not such a problem when the only time you wear a tie is when you are a defendant or you have to front up at Footscray Magistrate’s court.

People. There are a lot of people at Highpoint. Go there in the leads up to Xmas. I have, and fuck it gets busy! There are a lot of people there who like to wear the clothes mentioned in ‘Stores’. There are a lot of women there who wear clothes that are not suitable to their body styles. Far too many fat sheilas wearing low cut jeans that show off both their arse cracks and their muffin tops. Blokes like the functionality of the white tracksuit pant and matching jacket, with lanyard. Come to think of it, there are a lot of tracksuit wearing people there. Most have lanyards around their necks with mobile phones attached. People use to show their status by wearing a mobile on their belt, now it’s around their neck. I hope they wear it into the shower and hang themselves while trying scrub the foul stench of failure off themselves. Not going to happen, as the people I pass there on a hot day, never shower.

Music. What is it with J.Lo? I know most of the chicks there want to be like her. They dress like her, but few of them are up to be Jenny From the Block. All there is there is dance music and ‘thump thump’ stuff. I don’t mind a bit of it, but too much is crazy. And it is on all the time. In every shop. Please stop it! I guess that type of music is popular in the western suburbs. At least it appears to be at Highpoint

Car parking. There is lots of car parking at Highpoint. Most of it is full. Every time I go there it is. Chadstone has a lot of parking, most of it a long way from the shops. Highpoint just has car parks every where. Any where there is car parks. You won’t find your way back, but at least you’ll have a park. And you have to run the risk of one of the people mentioned above hitting your car, or stealing it, or killing you before you get back to your car, or being robbed of your new purchases. I could go on, but don’t want to.

It is a silly place, and one I would not go to if I was you.

Here’s a site you should visit, only if you have sound, as it is very funny. Bye.