It's begining to feel a lot like Christmas
November is nearly over and December is coming up fast. What a bummer. Only a few more weeks until Father Christmas squeezes his way down the chimney.
With Christmas come traditions. Like having a few too many on Christmas Eve and then having to front up for meal consisting of 14 different kinds of meat and vegies. Excellent, time to open the third, and forth, stomachs. Part of this tradition sees us off to a friends house for ‘Light Up’.
What’s light up I hear you ask? It’s when this friends father gets all the Christmas lights that he can and puts them up on his house. This years was very inspiring. They are also most welcoming which is very nice. This year’s effort was excellent. Lots to see and many flashing lights to please the kiddies. Here are some photos of them.
pparently there are some people who drive around the same places each Christmas to see what’s new. I’ve done this, and there is no shame in it. It makes people feel good so go for it.
I have to start shopping also. One year, I did all my Christmas shopping in 25 minutes at South Melbourne Market. Everyone got good, durable presents, might do the same this year. And instead of those season's tickets my partner wants, she might get a spanner. She has never used one, but imagine how surprised she will be when she opens the box. Magic time, Christmas.
I am looking at getting a phone through work now. Mine is old and in need of replacement, so they can get me one, and a new car kit, for I need both. I am off to
Have to be back in
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