Been here for a couple of days now. It's strange, they look like me, but don't talk like me. That's cool, the world needs different people and places.
Paris is lovely. I haven't had any trouble with the locals. They are nice to me, but I am bigger than many of them, so I probably scare them a bit. The French are a slight people.
It has been great spending time with my partner. We have been all over Paris. The Arch was excellent. Those Nazis, walking right through it, they were a real pack of bastards.
We are off to the Moulin Rouge. Hopefully the Australian girls are all gone now, as I am not too keen on seeing them dance around with no tops on, what if thier Aunties were in the audience. I will cover my eyes at the right times.
On Thursday we go to Viller Brettenoux. There are two streets named after this town near where I used to live, and my parents still do. It involves a trip on the train into the country.
One thing for sure, the French are expert at charging. Christ it is expensive here. THe bread is cheap, so too is the wine and cheese. That's me sorted. The beer is cheap, but they don't keep much in the fridges in the shops. Bummer.
Will update again soon. Tres bien. (I've gone a bit native, where's my beret and striped shirt?)
Who the heck is roas benito when she's at home?!?!?
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