My brush with fame
When I was in Paris with my partner, we went to the Moulin Rouge. Now this was not a cheap night out. But it was a good night out. There were many people there. We were sitting on a table with a couple for Malaysia. They were good value. He was buggered as he was with a car company doing some show. His missus was with him also, and that's all she did, travel around to car shows, and do stuff. Good work if you can get it.
Anyway, as I said there were a lot of people there. Not many Australians I thought. But how wrong I was. I did not know that we were in the presence of Australian Pop Royalty.
I am an ardent fan of popular culture. Indeed, I will sit through reality shows, so I know what is going on. One of these I sat through was Popstars. I always thought the original group, Bardot, were not a patch on Girlfriend (later GF4), but they tried hard. (My mate always had a thing for Melanie, and went as far as buying the CD, just so he could perv on her - good one mystery man from Richmond.). And I thought they would have been together for a while, just to allow Tiffany to pay off her boob job.
Interesting snippet on GF4. I was watching Hey Hey it's Saturday one time and they were on it. They were miming and dancing around like they do. Then I noticed that one of the team (Jacqui, I think) was wearing a boob tube sort of thing. As the dancing became more intensive and she was a little disturbed. There was something coming out of the boob tube! I believed it was her boobs. But being the trooper she was, she carried on. When the song ended, the first thing she did was turn around and start shovelling her now pressed bosums back up into the boob tube. Daryl didn't notice. I did, and jumped straight onto the phone and called up mystery man from Richmond, who I believe was watching the action, but didn't notice, as he was perving too hard on Melanie. Perhaps I am the perv for noticing this. So be it. At least I didn't buy the CD to perv on Melanie.
Back to my story. We were sitting on the second tier in the Moulin Rouge, and below us on the first tier was a person I remembered. It took me a while to figure it out, but it was Tamara

She had some single out a while back titled 'Oh ah' or some shit. I saw her interviewed on 'Sunrise' by Molly and he was saying how good it was. Crap. The song was shit. I don't know how it went, but it's not my cup of tea.
Anyway, she was there with some bloke. They spent a lot of time outside smoking (outside anyway), and she was wearing a printed wrap around dress. I think my partner went into the toilet with her, but she didn't give me any gossip from the toilets. The bloke was a bit weedy, and was definately not that numbnut from Australian Idol. He was wearing a jeans and a shirt. He was one cool looking (weedy) dude.
I did see that she was mentioned in the latest New Weekly, that finds its way into the house. As having a 'Hot body'. I didn't think she had such a great body, as there wasn't much to her when I saw her. I was going to saw hello and mention that I was a fan, but I'm not, and she was enjoying the night like we were. We did meet a Kiwi from Broome when we were booking the tickets. It is a small world.
There were a lot of Chinese tourists there that night. I am not a small bloke, and when the time came to leave, the Chinese all rushed at the door. There were people trying to get out. There was a crush. A lady was trying to get out from the bottom tiers, we were coming from the top tiers, Tamara and her guest were coming in also, and suddenly this Chinese woman makes a break for it! I moved into the crush too, so that some people from the bottom could get out, alternating liek you should. Then came gridlock. No one was moving (at least not fast). I said that the Chinese lady should wait, and still she keeped slowly moving forward like a slow moving, stuck in a crush of people, perpetual motion machine.
Eventually, she popped out and moved fast to meet up with her tour group. Of whcih there were, it seemed like, thousands. I let the lady from the bottom teir in, then I think it was Tamara and man, then us. I hope she remembers my gallant act. Probably doesn't, but it was a nice thing for me to do. She walked out and so did we. We got on a train full of French crazy people and went home. I don't know where she went.
But at least I saw a famous person. Not every day I get to see a TV star. And the guy from Malaysia was dark on the Chinese tourists. I mean real dark. Almost racisit in his views. Anyway, I was dark on that little shiela for pushing in. Hope she learnt a lesson when I moved in and stopped her 'long march' forward.
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