An update
It's been a while since I've updated. Sorry. But, as I've said before, I am slack at this.
And going by the amount of food mentioned in the last update, that's all there will be of that for a while. I was channeling my mother there.
Anyway, my sister had a baby! He's ace. He was born on 5 March 2006. He's a ripper. He has three old uncles to look out for him, and when he gets older, teach him wicked ways. He, he, he.

Here is a photo of him the day after he was born. I was talkng to my mother today, and the latest name is Jack. that's a good honest name. - UPDATE HIS NAME IS NOW TO BE REX. THAT'S THE SAME NAME THAT THE PHANTOM GAVE TO THE CHILD HE FOUND IN THE JUNGLES OF BENGALI.
My mother said that she was 'disgusted' that my sister didn't have a name for him before she went into hospital. I think these things come later on.
Shit, he has a big mouth. He'll learn to talk soon enough. And if he is anything like his mother, he will be a CHAMPION at it. Then again we are all pretty good talkers.
So this makes it 4 nephews for me now. Three in Townsville and one here in Melbourne. That's cool. And the really good news is that he is going to be a St Kilda supporter. Excellent. We need all the help we can get. And one more supporter the better.
My partner and I are also talkign about a trip o/s again. It was about this time 2005, that we were in NZ. I have some photos with some, not all of them have, amusing comments about the trip to NZ on my Flickr site (link on the left). It was fun. As she has recently started a new job, it probably won't be until the end of the year, by which time I will have about 40+ days of leave up my sleeve. And we are thinking of over Xmas too.
North Asia. My mate is in Seoul (there is a photo of him on this blog somewhere, with more to come), but we are also keen to go to Tokyo or Japan. Seems as though it is cheaper to go to Tokyo and then get to Seoul than it is to go direct to Seoul. We will work something out.
Anyway it looks as though it could be Christmas in Seoul. It gets pretty cold there at that time. So it would be good. We would probably get to Tokyo, stay there a couple of days, then fly into Seoul, stay there for a bit and then fly back to Tokyo, then back to Melb a day or so later.
Sounds like a plan.
It would be good to go again, and the bonus of Tokyo or Seoul is that they are only about 7 - 10 hours from Melb, and not the 20+ that London is. That is a shit flight. Mainly just boring.
I also took delivery of a DVD of the Simpsons series 6, and the Johnny Cash box set 'Unearthed'. There are some gems on both of those. I have already uploaded the CD and will watch series six on the weekend. The CD box set comes with a book from Rick Rubin which discusses each and every song. You don't get that from the iTunes store. It also has the CD 'My mother's hymm book', which is as the song suggests is chock full of songs his mum used to sing.
I saw 'Walk the Line', thought it was really good and am now re-reading his autobiography again. They didn't have anything in there about his suicide attempt, but that's cool, JR is great.
That's all. Look out for my Flickr site, as there are new photos going on there all the time. The freaky thing is, that all the photos of my partner are getting views. I think she could be getting stalked by some pervert from cyberspace.
I also now have 3770 songs on my iPod. I will keep a track of this, as it is pretty useless information. Keep on trucking.
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