Thursday, July 26, 2007

CDs 4 Birthday

You may be aware that I am a CD freak. I love buying them, and listening to them. I have about 400, and want more. I don't go into the downloading CD craze the kiddies are into, as I like to own them and read the linear notes.

Plus, if my iPod fucks up, I still have the CD. And it has happened to me, as I am on my second iPod now.

Anyways, it was my birthday a while back, and my partner said that she would buy me some CDs, as I haven't purchased any for a while.

I was given a budget, and thanks to CD Universe, I came in under budget. I got all the below CDs for under $200 Australian delivered. Yes, that's right. Go there and buy your CDs, some of the ones I got, weren't even released here.

I remember the Australian music industry crying in the mid 90s about imports and how they were going to ruin the industry. Back then, CDs were about $28, now with the imports now being allowed they are about $30. True, it was parallel importing they were talking about, but still hasn't made them any cheaper. Fuckers!

No reduction in price, what a pack of arseholes.

Back to the story, here are the CDs I got. Thanks to Mojo magazine for putting me onto these, as I purchased them after reading reviews in that mag from their July edition.

Leonard Cohen - Songs of, Songs from a Room, Songs of Love and Hate (amazing)
Traveling Wilburys - Volumes 1 & 3
The Cinematic Orchestra - Ma Fluer
Tom Petty - Wildflowers & Highway Companion (completes my collection of his solo work)
Two Lone Swordsmen - Wrong Meeting 2
Bill Callahan (AKA Smog) - Woke on a Whale Heart
Dakota Suite - Waiting for the Dawn to Crawl Through and Take Away Your Life (an unbelievably good CD)
Richard Hawley - Coles Corner
Jack O and the Tennessee Tearjerkers - Flip Side Kid

There you have it. All hero, no zero.



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