Not much really
I'm trying to update the Blog a bit more often, as I am committed to my (admittedly very few) readers.
I am even going to start putting up stuff that I have written moons ago. Hopefully you will find them worthwhile and may even get a laugh out it.
Most of it was the under grad 'yeah beer - boo government' type of rant, but I like to think I've matured since then. However, the disturbing post regarding Highpoint Shopping Centre might put pay to that.
I've finally got a full Flickr account too. So I am now putting up a bootload of photos I've taken since I got my digital camera. For those of you who don't know, I purchased it while I was in Korea seeing my good mate Phillip, who lives over there now.
He spoke in the native tongue, waved his hands in the air, yelled a bit and then called me over. He got me a good deal and the price I paid for it over there, including a memory card, is less than they still cost over here. And I got it in Nov 04. It's a Canon G6, does more than I need. But I don't like using things that are smarter than me, so I leave most of the functionality off it.
I was trolling through the computer here and found this photo:

This was the first day I got the car to the right. It is a company car and does everythng I need it to do.
When I got the Futura in March 03, it had just under 6,000 kms on it. It now has nearly 108,000. It has done me well. Comfy, eats up the country miles and the really good part, is that it has the special XR6 sports suspension on it. So it is actullay about 3-4 inches lower than the standard Falcon.
What that means is that it sits lower to the ground, and therefore scrapes against every thing. Speed humps - scrape. Gutters - scrape. Concrete parking stop things in car parks - scrape. I've recently had to replace the front stone gaurd as that was broken.
The only major damage to it is a scrape down the side where some idiot hit me in a car park. That's it. When they get rid of it in a year or so, they might get $7,000 as a trade in. Good luck.
More later.
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